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Notizie dal mondo dei soldatini
New sets from Waterloo1815

Waterloo 1815 informs us that the updated X MAS set with 4 new poses will be available on the 1st week of September.
In September will also be available the new WW2 Japanese Infantry and the Prussian Infantry with 4 new poses (12 poses tot.)
New figures are on show on the web site

New set 6092 by Italeri is available

The new set 6092 - French Infantry 1800-1805 by Italeri is available in Italy! The preview is already on SoL...

2 nuovi set napoleonici da Strelets-R
Strelets-R ha annunciato il set 084 - Borodino, con cavalleria russa e francese, ed il mini-set M011 con i fanti russi in tenuta invernale. I masters sono già visibili sul sito.
3 new sets from Zvezda

The following sets will hit the markets by July 2007:

  • 8043-Roman Imperial Infantry (IB.C. - II A.D.)
  • 8044-English Knights 100 Years War
  • 8050-Janizaries
The first Valdemar-SoL plastic set

The first test sprues of the Medieval Army on march set are available on SoL.

Disponibile un nuovo set di romani da Miniart
Sul sito della Miniart è indicato come disponibile il nuovo set 72012 - ROMAN INFANTRY III-IV CENTURY
2 new WW2 set from Valiant

The young british firm Valiant Miniatures will release 2 new sets by the end of 2007:
- American G.I.s 1942-44: 68 figures and support weapons (MMG’s, mortars and bazookas)
- Germans in Normandy - Summer 1944: 56 figures with various arm and weapon options and new equipment (GWR43, MG15, 120mm mortars).
More details on the Web site

Teutonic Knights by Valdemar & SoL

Valdemar & SoL will produce a set on Teutonic Knights at Lake Peipus.
Few sketches are already available on Valdemar web site.

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