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Toy Soldiers

Anything toy soldiers's: history, leading manufacturers, dioramas...
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Resultados 34 - 34 de 78
  • Techniques  ( 30 artículos )

    A collection of tips on sculpting, modelling, painting, converting, schratchbuilding...
    (translated content in bold)

  • Wargame  ( 25 artículos )

    Articles on Wargame, free rules, basing...
    (translated content in bold)

  • Armies  ( 41 artículos )

    History of the leading armies, their weapons and the uniforms.
    (translated content in bold)

  • History  ( 67 artículos )

    Military history, wars, famous battles, tactics...
    (translated content in bold)

  • Books/Magazines  ( 58 artículos )

    For your reviews of books and magazines