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Lake Peipus by Valdemar & SoL - Updated!
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SoL and ValdemarMiniatures are glad to announce a new cohoperation: a new range of 1/72 figures for collectors and modellers, which can be used as exhibitions by themselves or together with the existing ranges by Italeri, Caesar, Zvezda, Miniart and more.
The figures will be in white metal to allow for dynamic poses, retaining a low production cost.

At first this range will focus on the medieval period as this has become Valdemar's main era: the first set will be a diorama with the title "Battle at Lake Peipus".
As shown in the first sketch it will depict a teutonic knight and a foot soldier surrounded by Prince Nevsky and his troops; mounted figures are inspired by some magnificent 54mm models by Pegaso.
All the figures of course can be rearranged to fulfill customers' needs, and while some of the poses may vary other figures could join the ranks in the future.
Weapons and shields will be separated, as well as the texturized bases to give the modellers more customization choices.

Pictures of the masters will be published on this page, so keep in touch and for any question or suggestion don't hesitate to write an e-mail or post on our Forum...


These above are the first figures in sculpting stage, and below the respective masters (these are old pictures: the figures are quite complete now)





The shield and mace are only for testing purposes and will be different in the final figure. Moreover there will be a sword hanging on the left side...



NEW: click here to see a 360° anim!


This is the second russian figure; he will come with a shield and a broken spear.



Here you can see a preview of the next figures on sculpting stage...


And here you can check how these figures will compare to existing plastic toy soldiers...

More infos on Valdemar Miniatures web site.