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STURMTRUPPEN, a tribute to Bonvi and Atlantic toysoldiers
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Written by Leonardo Torricini   

This little diorama is inspired by Atlantic figures and Bonvi's Sturmtruppen comics, two things that had a great influence on kids and boys in Italy during the 70's.

Franco Bonvicini, known as Bonvi, was the creator of the Sturmtruppen comics.
The Sturmtruppen comics was successfull also outside Italy and have been translated in many different languages.
The merciless and cynical humor of Strumtruppen comics criticize the stupidity of war and of many other human behavior, it's still funny despite nearly 40 years old, and in most cases the satirical critics are still actual… (unfortunately)

The Atlantic toysoldiers entertained a generation, especially in Italy, they introduced many of us in the modeling hobby, and also inspired someone to study or have an interest for history.
Now they are out of production (apart from some reissues) becoming a rare expensive collection items.


The bases are all Atlantic: the Tiger Panzer, and tho figures from the Panzergrenadieren set a passenger from the Schwimmwagen.
I used resin copies to make the 4 figures and the tank turret (where I opened the hatches) to keep the original pieces untouched.

The tank haven't any insignias or plates, like in the original comic.
Despite clearly recognizable as German soldiers (or Italian like "the brave ally Schussolini" character) no one single national, ideological or political simbol is never shown in the original Sturmtruppen comics.

The diorama also reflects the typical scenery of Sturmtruppen comics: a desolate rough land full of craters and barbed wires, under a dark cloudy sky.
The base is sculpted in a piece of isolating foam in different ways, cutting, scratching, using flame and sandpaper.
All covered with tiny pebbles and fine sand glued over, leaving just the craters mostly uncovered, then painted brownish, washed darker or black, and highlighted with drybrushing.

For the barbed wire I used a strip of mosquito net.
I heard about this brilliant technique and I tried it for the first time, I should say it's very quick, simple and the results look great.