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Richieste alla Caesar/Miniknight (1 in linea) (1) Ospite
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Discussione: Richieste alla Caesar/Miniknight
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Richieste alla Caesar/Miniknight 10 anni, 5 mesi fa  
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Hi, if I may say so here are my requests to the producer Caesar / Miniknight:
French and Prussians (including cavalry) Franco Prussian War
Americans, Italians, Austrians, British WWI for the centenary of WWI
American and Korean War Korea
Americans and Vietnamese Vietnam War
Argentine and British war of the Falkland
Italian modern Afghanistan
Thanks I hope that the Caesar / Miniknight will consider in a not too distant future these my requests which are also those of many other modelers

Risposta della Miniknight
Miniknight:Thank you for your suggestion. We try to do our best. Casesar miniknight will release many type products in the future.
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