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Painting Tutorial: Caesar's Sherden step by step - part II
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Scritto da Jakub Mroczkowski   

I decided to paint it white as it seems woolen or linen cloth in those days were not dyed
Why? Because it was simple soldiers uniform and dyeing was extremely costly. What's more and the most important there no archeological or pictorial evidence suggesting another solution. Some people say there is no black or white colors in the nature which implies there are only shades that play with a light that make we see blackness and whiteness. That could be true because natural wool is not white it's rather creamy. I decided to use three colors to paint the tunic look like white: natural umber (charred brown Vallejo) ochra (snakebite leather GW) and white (skull white Vallejo)

This time I started with the darkest shade - umber

Next I started going up blending colors.

Now it's time for body protection which was supposedly a leather or linen cuirass. I chose leather.

I used five shades of brown all GW. Again I used method of shading first, then highlighting so the first color was vermin brown (something in-between)



The figure is almost ready so I decided not to make anybody bored with painting sandals and spear shaft, hair etc. so I skipped it.


One thing that seem to be important for me is human eyes. I paint in 3 steps using Humbrol enamels. Why enamels? Since this is the most I'd say irritating stage of face painting and enamels are easy to remove not like acrylics. My eyes painting is rather about "sweeping" the
paint from the figure's face. The three pictures show the steps but don't show the method. Of course I use the smallest brushes I've go to paint the eye lashes, whites and pupils but I always have a big dry brush on hand (GW is the best for me) with a sharp tip. While I paint eyes I use it as a "cleaner". Slightly wet with thinner for enamels (Testors is good enough ) allows me to remove every unnecessary touch of paint and correct what was wrong all the time while painting the eyes. So I call it "painting without painting" because everything depends on that big dry brush with very sharp tip.


I thought that one more thing might be interesting which is bronze painting. Today's bronze is a bit different than that in 13th or so century BC. It contained more copper so the color was more reddish I'd say. Nowadays it's more like brass. This time I chose something which is a kind of a compromise between those two shades.

And again I used wet pallet and the paints shown below:

The figure is ready .... now to the stage.

The final result!

It was my pleasure to write this article and I hope a could help someone with that a SBS.
If you have any more questions just let me know.
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