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Modelling Tips
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Scritto da Gomez   


I think every modelers dream is to have more poses to use in dioramas or in collecting figures of a subject that we particularly like. We all have think about it and there are a lot of ways I read about other modelers. For example, some modelers suggest to make conversions, some are easy but to make some you need to have the skills of a plastic surgeon and the patience of a saint. And it helps if you have the experience of Sheppard Paine but in 1/72 scale! That is why I am writing about this.
First I want to circumscribe to the plastic soldiers; I mean, there are metal soldiers manufacturers but of all the figures I have seen until now, no one seems to be as good in details as the plastic ones, and they have this "chunky" look which I hate ...and they are much more expensive per capita! In average, the cost of plastic is 0.15 usd per figure against 0.90 usd per figure in metal.

Having said this, I want to show some suggestions to improve the number of poses.

Paint them differently. The next picture shows the same figure but painted in different uniform and sees the difference

I particularly like this image for two reasons: The first figure is from ATLANTIC, made in the 70`s and the second figure is from ESCI made in the 80`s

The second example is to do the same but with a simple conversion added, like a head swap. You can see this in the next image, but this time with the same figure from the same manufacturer, in this example CESAR WWII GERMAN INFANTRY IN WINTER CLOTHING.


Almost every modeler is attracted to the German subject in WWII. One that particularly attracts my attention is the camo patterns, but in 1/72 scales it seems almost impossible to even think about it. After a lot of experiments with the old but reliable "trial and error method". I came to this: Anybody can paint German WWII camo in 1/72 scale following this very simple steps.

First we have to think that in this scale the things don't look in reality the way you see them in this scale, and viceversa, you can paint some things that "look like" the real thing. It has to do with paint them differently. The next picture shows it but painted slightly different from reality. For example, the dots are bigger than in the real world, but in this scale they will look ok. Perhaps is a bit difficult to appreciate it in the image, but when you see the figure, this trick really works!!


You can see, in this example the manufacture of CESAR WWII GERMAN INFANTRY IN WINTER CLOTHING.

I really hope that this article may be of use to my fellow modelers, especially dioramas and figure collector, like me.